About the Project

The project involves extending SR 11 west from the SR 337/SR11/Melview Road intersection to SR 135. The Project Team, working with INDOT will complete the environmental studies, project design and acquisition of necessary right-of-way over a four-year timeframe. Construction of the new roadway extension will begin in the fall of 2025 and is expected to take 18 to 24 months to complete.

What's happening now?

The SR-11 Extension Project is currently in the preliminary engineering and environmental studies phase. The Project Team is in the process of gathering key information in early survey and field investigations to determine potential alignment options. The objective of the environmental study is to determine the most appropriate location for the roadway while identifying and assessing potential impacts so that they can be avoided, minimized, and mitigated. The study examines potential impacts to the environment, historic buildings, natural resources, businesses, and communities that would be caused by each road alignment under consideration.

The environmental process includes two-way communication with the public, stakeholders, and resource agencies. Touchpoints include the project website, Community Advisory Committee meetings, Kitchen Table Meetings, a project public kickoff meeting and a public hearing.

What's next

A public hearing was held August 31, 2023, which afforded the opportunity for the public to provide formal comments on the project. The hearing was conducted according to INDOT/FHWA guidelines. It included an open house element, stations for communications with project team members, a formal presentation, and the formal hearing component. To provide public comment on the recommended alignment, click on the Contact Us tab in the navigation above. All comments received before the end of the comment period on September 15, 2023, will be included and responded to in the environmental document.

The preliminary engineering and environmental studies phase will last through early of 2023. The second phase of the project involves the final design and right-of-way acquisition. Once an alignment has been identified, the Project Team proceeds with phase 2 efforts. Final design and right-of-way acquisition is a 2-year process. The project is schedule to go to letting in July of 2025 with construction to begin in the fall of that year. Construction will be completed in 2027.